Thursday, May 3, 2007

I've Been Around the World and I-I-I...

I have recently become obsessed with the BBC series entitled "Planet Earth". It's been on the Discovery Channel in the US, but alas, will not be played on their Canadian counterpart. The DVDs are available for purchase at and I am seriously contemplating my first ever purchase of a NATURE DOCUMENTARY. This puts me officially in the following categories: old, boring, lame, and finally, my parents. When I was little, my parents were voracious followers of Jacques Cousteau, Sir David Attenborough, and the like. We taped (on VHS and Beta, remember Beta?) thousands of hours of nature documentaries highlighting the mating habits of dung beetles and watching a pride of lions devour a bloodied wildebeest carcass after an exhaustive chase. As a result, I have actively rejected the nature documentary... until now.

Even the mere snippets of Planet Earth that I have seen have only made me even more eager to see and experience this glorious planet that we live on. It was thrilling to see featured places we have already experienced -- Machu Picchu, the Galapagos Islands, the Great Wall, Kilimanjaro, lions and leopards on safari, the great cities of Beijing, Tokyo and Shanghai -- and realize how fortunate we have been already. It was even more exciting to see views of the Great Pyramids, Mt. Everest, Ayres Rock, the Sydney Opera House, Ankgor Wat, Emperor penguins in Antarctica, the Grand Canyon... I could go on.

The world is waiting.

If anyone's curious, take a look:

Also, if anyone already owns the Planet Earth DVDs and wants to lend them to me... you know how to find me!


anne said...

My brother just bought the DVD set. I am planning on having myself a little Planet Earth-a-thon this weekend in fact!

Ms.Teacher said...

I bought it before it came out! It is fabulous. I highly recommend them. I haven't got through all of them but good lord what I have seen takes my breath away. I'd have no problem lending them to you if you lived a little closer :)