Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cart Stalking

Do you ever check out what other people have in their grocery carts while waiting in line at the cash? I'm astonished at what people buy sometimes -- why is that man buying eight boxes of Bran Buds, for example? I also wonder if people do the same to me, and it makes me super-self-conscious on the days I'm buying for a party (I SWEAR!) and makes me want to justify the chips, the dip, the sugar, the pop. Worst was being in the store with my friend (I SWEAR! Not me!) as she bought tampons, laxatives, condoms, and yeast infection treatment all at once. I don't know how she could have topped herself.

Yesterday I watched as a woman purchased a massive 10kg bag of MAXX kitty litter and a bean burrito. She also had wanted to buy an apple, but didn't have enough cash, so she put the apple back. My question is, how does a huge bag of kitty litter veto an apple? Why not just buy a smaller bag of litter? Is it a kitty litter emergency?


Foxy Renard said...

Buahaha, I am a huge cart stalker as well. And, yes, I too feel insanely conscious that others are checking my cart -- I swear, I regularly comment to the cashier: "I guess you can tell what's for me and what's for my husband, haha." Sad, really.

Lexy said...

I'm a big cart stalker. I'm also paranoid that other cart stalker look at my cart and wonder "what the hell". I buy some odd things sometimes.

Christie said...

Okay a bit late commenting here, but I just stumbled upon your blog today - I too, am self-conscious about my grocery cart - especially the night I bought ten - yes TEN boxes of cereal. Why? Because there was an air-miles special on cereal and the hubby can go through a box in just over a week. So I can kinda understand the eight boxes of All-Bran buds. :p

doctor T said...

There could have been a kitty litter emergency. We have two cats and when the litter needs to be totally dumped and replaced, rather than just scooped, the huge bag/box is essential.

But I would have put the burrito back and stuck with the apple. Prepackaged food is gross.